Becca updated the Corf Campsite Map

Becca updated the Corf Campsite Map

"Oh Hi Becca", said Sid. "What are you doing in MaCs office, playing with his laptop?"

Mini-MaC came up and joined them. "Hi Sid', said mini-MaC, 'I've just been getting a fresh mug of coffee. Becca's not playing, MaC's away today and she's helping me to make some changes to the map of Corf Campsite, for Barrie Price, the Campsite Warden".

"How's she doing that", asked Sid?

"Aha", said Becca, "that's easy! As part of my STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses in school I've learned how to use Visio, the Microsoft drawing package. It's on MaC's laptop, but I'm actually controlling it from mine. Easy!"

"OK, Mini-MaC", said Becca, "I'll just add the new callout for the Target Shooting area.......... there, done"

"Here we are then", said Becca. "I'll just mail a copy of the map to Barrie so that he can check it. If he says it's ok I'll send a copy for the County Website".

"That's sooo clever", said Sid! "Now you're done, how about a quick hike to the beach? "

"Brilliant!" said Becca, "let's go".

Mini-MaC just chuckled and had another slurp of coffee. "By the way, if you want your own copy of the Corf Campsite map (issue dated 29/8/2020), click here and download it as a pdf.."