Revolution 2018
Every Easter sees the Isle of Wight Revolution Network and Explorer Scout camp which attracts over 300 Scouts from all over the country.
Sid and GI Joe want along to find out why.
County Commissioner Paul welcomed everyone to the Island.
GIJoe and I went to help MaC running one of the activity bases. We were in 1st Freshwater & Totland group headquarters which is in a playing field, with a playground on the road from Freshwater to Yarmouth.
We were very impressed to find our photo on the notice board, in the current edition of Scouting, our County Newsletter.
Soon the Scouts started arriving and settled down.....
for a session learning how to use a drums.
Amazing - they were all quietly concentrating on getting the rhythms right!
GI Joe and I were too small to play the drums so we just watched the fun.
Revo is run by "The management". 2 of the original members of the management are Carol and Ian who dropped by to see how the drummers were getting on. Of course that was a good excuse for a photo call with Hatty and Hatty2.
A lot of the teams wanted a group photo with Hatty or Hatty2.
One of the team members who also wanted to meet Hatty was Katy. Katy is from Nottingham and is the youngest DC in the UK.
All too soon it was time to pack up.
Well, for most of us.......!