Sid met some Baby Tortoises
MaC took Mini MaC, Jade and me to meet his friends Di and Dave and their Tortoise family.
MaC took Mini MaC, Jade and me to meet his friends Di and Dave and their Tortoise family.
I took these photos of the some of the big Tortoises. I didn't want to get too close 'cos they have big teeth.
Di told me not to be silly, they don't bite. She took me to see the baby Tortoises, 'cos they certainly couldn't eat me.
Jade laughed when a new friend crept up behind me.
I knew it! Even one of the babies tried to eat me
Jade and Mini MaC came to join me, but Jade had her skateboard ready just in case she needed to make a quick getaway. Di told me that the little baby in front of me was only a couple of weeks old. the bigger ones were about a month old. Mini MaC just slurped his coffee.
Dave told me I was standing next to the shell one of the babies had recently hatched from.
I asked Dave if I could go for a ride on top of one of the baby Tortoises. He said "No, they're toadstools". "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well", said Dave, "They're only tiny and there's not mush - room on top"……….
OK.....Time to go home.......
OK! Time to go home! Thanks Di and Dave.